I love it when the antagonist gets pepper sprayed but eyes wide open.
This flick is so full of flops. This is a funny one.
The killer gets maced on the face at point blank by Anna, he cringes for 5 seconds, the camera zooms in his face with his eyes WIDE open as if he'd won a million dollar lottery. Then he springs out into the street lightening fast like Clark Kent disrobing himself on the run while turning into superman.
5 possiblities:
a. The Mace/Pepper Spray is expired
b. Anna mistakenly used her perfume spray bottle
c. The culprit has lost all his pain sensory nerves from some freak accident
d. The producer thinks that the audience is stupid.
e. I made this up because I own a blu ray and I watched this deleted scene.
Circle the correct answer.