Madonna, remake W.E. correctly
If Madonna really wants to film a successful W.E., she should discard the syrupy bad love story between Wally, her neglectful psychologist husband and the Russian emigre security guard. Madonna should focus solely on Wallis and Edward. She has soooo much background material on both that she could have filmed a three hour movie on Edward and Wallis Simpson. Go back and rehire those actors and refilm the movie, keeping all the Wallis and Edward scenes and splicing in the full story.
It's clear from the film documentary that Madonna devoted countless hours of research to Wallis and Edward. Perhaps she outfoxed herself by overthinking what would make the movie attractive to modern viewers. I speculate Madonna was worried that viewers would be bored by a movie focusing solely on nearly long-forgotten historial characters of Wallis Simpson and Prince Edward and felt the need to insert a modern love story. Madonna may have not been confident in her original instincts. A historical film of Wallis and Edward, even if Madonna had to dramatize it and admit it openly, would have been much more appealing.
Whenever I watch W.E., I fast forward the 1998 Wally love story scenes to the next Wallis and Edward scene. My favorite scene is the grand dinner party hosted by uber-rich Lady Cunard for her much younger friend-protege, Lady Thelma Furness. Lady Thelma becomes extremely irate at her boyfriend, Prince Edward ignoring her and devotiing all his attention on less-beautiful Wallis Simpson so she gets up and storms out of the dinner hall in an angry huff.