If you close your eyes, your ears, your HEART, and refuse to believe there are two societies on this planet (The Rich/The Poor ..Screw The Middle Class) then yes, you can live in your Rush Limbaugh Fantasy World. (I Got Mine-Screw You. Daddy Reagan). I love Jody Foster in this film. One reviewer called her "Dick Cheney in heels." You know my secret fantasy?? Deep in my mind?? Delicious!! Take Dick Cheney to Hue,Vietnam (there is no South Vietnam today, it's one united Republic.) 10,000 people died in Hue in hand-to-hand combat during the Tet Offensive of 1968, While Dick Cheney was enjoying his 5 deferments. Slit Dick Cheney fat throat. Watch him die slowly in the rice patties of Vietnam. YES!!