MovieChat Forums > Elysium (2013) Discussion > Shoulder launched missle flies 400 miles...

Shoulder launched missle flies 400 miles into space in a few seconds?

So how does that work?


It doesn't


This is set in 2154. We don't need every futuristic technology to be explained in intricate detail.


yeah but at other points they show stuff like people getting on a bus that looked exactly like a modern bus. I assume the intention was to show that the regular people on earth were stuck with very old technology while the people in Elysium had access to the actual 22nd Century technology. It was a bit oblique how this was treated though and perhaps could have used explication.

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'


Since Kruger was working for Elyisum, I'm sure they supplied him with their best tech.


The best would definetely not be to rely on a single person sitting somewhere on earth to shoot some missile at the right time. That is just stupid ... besides the ultrafast mini missiles.


True, there's no reason why some guy on Earth should've been Elysium's only line of defense, but that's a different complaint than the one brought up by the OP.

This movie did have lazy writing in places, but generally, I think people are a bit overly critical of it.


'True, there's no reason why some guy on Earth should've been Elysium's only line of defense, but that's a different complaint than the one brought up by the OP. '

I always thought the whole point of using him was plausible deniability. Shooting down refugees is something they probably wouldn't be able to get away with, so they just give the responsibility to a mercenary and keep their hands clean.

Only dream I ever have is it the surface of the Sun. Every time I shut my eyes it's always the same.


The best would definetely not be to rely on a single person sitting somewhere on earth to shoot some missile at the right time. That is just stupid

That would indeed be tragic, if that were the case. Luckily, it was explained in the film that Delacourt had gotten in trouble with President Patel before for arbitrarily shooting down shuttle craft from Earth without permission. In order to circumvent asking the President for permission, which she knew he wouldn't grant, Delacourt had Kruger shoot the shuttles down from Earth. She still got in trouble, but by having Kruger shoot down the shuttles from Earth rather than doing so from Elysium, there was no chance President Patel would stop the action. Getting in prior trouble for using excessive force came out in her meeting with President Patel and the Council after the shuttles were shot down. Do you not recall that scene?

... besides the ultrafast mini missiles.

How can you demand to know the possibilities of something set 156 years in the future?? If Neill Blomkamp writes that there will be ultra fast missiles capable of being launched like a bazooka 156 years in the future, who are you to dispute him? You would have to live the next 156 to know for sure. That's why it's called Science FICTION. The same logic, and argument, applies for the Med Bays as well.


Yet he wore that ridiculous robe and looked homeless. If that was to fit in why? Or did he just like looking homeless? It's his thang maybe?

It's not like all the residents had brains or anything. They wandered around the streets doing absolutely nothing. Like, wah the rich people left what do we do now? We can't survive without the rich! Help us we're poor.


So how does that work?

- DominicD

"Always make the audience suffer as much as possible." - A. Hitchcock



this was one of the very dumbest things in this movie. Why do you need to rely on an unstable mercenary to shoot down space shuttles that ALREADY LEFT earth's atmosphere? Elysium should have its own defense system or if not that there should be a properly installed rocket launching system on earth thats guarded by droids.


this was one of the very dumbest things in this movie. Why do you need to rely on an unstable mercenary to shoot down space shuttles that ALREADY LEFT earth's atmosphere? Elysium should have its own defense system or if not that there should be a properly installed rocket launching system on earth thats guarded by droids.

Maybe you should pay attention next time, it was very clearly explained why.
