Fix Max NOW
Why did they not save Max?? The baddie died and got his face blown off and they fixed his dead ass..why wouldn't they fix the hero of the movie??
shareWhy did they not save Max?? The baddie died and got his face blown off and they fixed his dead ass..why wouldn't they fix the hero of the movie??
shareBecause Max is a Christ figure, that has to sacrifice his life for the salvation of mankind.
Which is an ideology that our masters want us to internalize - the idea that we are a no-good, criminal bunch of sinners, who can redeem ourselves only by accepting our destiny - sacrifice our selves for the well being of others.
Once we internalize this ideology of self-sacrifice for the benefit of others, we will go to work convinced that what we're not actually being exploited by our masters, but we're sacrificing our selves for the "greater good".
This movie is what's called Cultural Hegemony - the brainwashing of the slave with a view of reality that benefits the master.
Our masters use cinema as a propaganda machine.
You're an idiot. Listen to Alex Jones much? Believe NWO is coming to get you? Lol
shareKruger's brain was still intact. Max was warned that doing the download on the rush like that would destroy his brain, 🐭
share^ exactly.
Kruger's brain wasn't entirely intact, and it was dead, so the machine was capable of not only restoring brain matter but rebooting it back to life. So, there should be no problem in doing the same with Max, or any other recently-deceased person.'s just another dumb film, get over it.
Kruger's brain wasn't entirely intact ...
... so the machine was capable of not only restoring brain matter but rebooting it back to life.
So, there should be no problem in doing the same with Max, or any other recently-deceased person.Hey Bud, I didn't write the movie, nor did I direct. I only reported what was said in the movie. And the poster above you agrees with me, as you can see.
I thought it was because after creating the reboot code, John Carlyle chose the option to protect it with lethal countermeasures, presumably to prevent it being stolen from his brain. Those same countermeasures were inherited by Max when he hijacked the code from Carlyle, and then triggered by Spider running the code at the end.
The logistics of why the code would still be visible or identifiable at all without the countermeasures being triggered, and why the lethal countermeasures wouldn't kick in sooner to prevent the code being stolen in the first place, remain open for debate.
When Kruger was healed they took him out of the exosuit, and we get a scene of him "suiting" back up. Who was there that could remove max's Exosuit, which was sugically attached earlier in the film, so he could get into a tube. Only When he realized he wasn't going to be able to save himself he decides to help the girl, he's dead anyway.