Crossing the Abyss

Barry diving into the tar pit reminded me of what Crowley called "crossing the abyss". I guess that goes back to "Golden Dawn"-mythology, and probably farther back, already.

It is basically the last step in the path to enlightenment, if you want to call it that. A step that means the destruction of the self. You surrender everything and your "karma" or something determines how you emerge on the other side. As a "brother of the left-hand" (black, "evil") and "right-hand path" (white, "good").

So I guess Barry was a brother of the left-hand path ;)

I will now end this debate with you.


Occult knowledge was interwoven throughout the movie, but your understanding of the Left-Hand Path is VERY flawed. Barry was just a catalyst for Elena waking her hidden abilities up. He did apply principles of the 99th Black Lodge though with his Orgone\Tepaphone energy mind weapon. Again it still has NOTHING to do with the Left-Hand Path though...



This is not my "understanding" of the "left-hand path", and I wouldn't be able to describe it here coherently, but Crowley uses black/white as synonymous to left-/right-hand. It is commonly understood as malicious/benevolent magic(k).

I will now end this debate with you.


Then you've been taught wrongly, true Left-Hand Path is NOT about inflicting harm or evil upon others! It's mostly centered on personal growth, & fulfillment.

The Left-Hand path is not evil, it simply chooses self before others, whereas the RHP negates the self for the betterment of others.



I've already distilled it enough for you, if you want to know more read Initiation Into Hermetics for starters, then read Parallel Paths To The Unseen Worlds. If you can comprehend it, then you should have a basic grasp of what's going on.

