I'm very late in responding and you've probably had these questions answered, but I just watched this movie last night so it's all still fresh in my mind. I'll try to answer your questions.
The Stoner's
This scene was hearkening back to old 80's slasher flicks, it does seem kind of pointless but you really have to listen to Barry's dialogue to understand why he kills them. Barry is searching for the just recently escaped Elena and he is really, almost creepily obsessed with her. When he heads to her location that his tracking device leads him to he discovers the two backpacking stoner's. He kills the first one without a moments hesitation, it's only when he gets to the second one do we understand his motivation.
I couldn't understand Barry for most of the movie because he talks so quite but you can hear him ask the second guy
"did you *beep* her?"
The guy obviously has no idea what Barry is talking about and denies the accusation. Unfortunately for him Barry is already in the deep end and doesn't believe him so he kills him.
Why does Barry keep ElenaSo for most of the movie we really don't know why Elena is in there. All that we have to go on is during Elena and Barry's sessions. We know that
A) Elena is clearly not normal and that is one reason for her confinement
B) Her mother put her there
The answer to the reason why Elena is in the strange compound is during the strange acid trip flash back that Barry has. Now, I might not be completely right but I'm pretty sure the nurse that is eventually killed by the "awakened" Barry is Elena's mother. Barry does tell Elena earlier in the film that her mother was
"a desirable woman"
The moment he comes out of that strange black goop (a black rainbow as he puts it) he quickly rushes to the woman and starts necking (?) her. Right after that scene we have Dr. Aboria grabbing a small child with a bandaged Barry (I assume this is right after he kills the nurse). Apparently this nurse is Doctor Aboria's own wife, I actually had to look that one up.
Aboria wants mankind to transcend to a higher state of being, the mutant (a failed experiment) Barry (a partially completed experiment) and Elena (the best possible outcome) are all Aboria's efforts to create a super human. He does say that Barry is his crowning achievement but that is not possible since the experiment clearly rendered Barry insane.
Since Barry is another transcended individual he is tasked with monitoring Elena and guiding her to control her powers. Obviously his methods are extremely warped, he even goes as far as using Elena's powers to off the Nurse who discovered the secrets behind Aboria's experiments to transcend human conciousness.
Of course film is subjective so I might be wrong on both points, but this is what I got out of the movie. It's a fantastic piece of work
I will not fear, fear is the mind killer