MovieChat Forums > Fall (2022) Discussion > Out of all the fake penis towers, this i...

Out of all the fake penis towers, this is the fakest of the fake

There's no way this would even exist. Not only does its thinness defy physics for its supposed height, but no one would build a giant penis this large in the middle of the desert.


It's based off a real radio tower so....


All of these towers have wide crane type scaffolding surrounding the tower though. It's not like they're just straight up penis poles sticking out of the ground.


It had long anchoring wires that connected to the ground a few hundred feet away... Although in a scene at the start it looked like one of these was about to fail, and they never came back to it.


Are you obsessed with penises? You've used the word three times.


"penis poles"

Lol, nominated for comment of the year.


Thank you. If I win, I’ll dedicate it to Disney to use in their next season of She-hulk.


Throughout the whole movie i kept thinking - that lightbulb was impossible to service. When it went out, and given that its just a healwire bulb being turned on an odd, it would go out every few months, you would need helicopter to deliver a new lightbulb or something.


Or a 2000 ft tall man.


That bulb was one of 2 main plot holes in this movie. There would have been a ladder to reach it.

The other hole is the ladder below the antenna. It would have stayed there, it wasn't connected to the ladder below the platform.


Its been a while since i watched this, but didnt we see the ladder bellow get hit by the falling lader and thus shearing off?


When Hunter goes down to the antenna, you can see ladder just below it, but she says that it fell off all the way down. It shouldn't have, since, when they are going up, you can clearly see that the ladder below and above the antenna are not a connected structure. Meaning - the moment they reached the antenna, they should have had the means to go down.


Thats a fair point. However, Hunter dies on the antenna and the rest of the movie she is just delusion. So the ability to get down would only really exist at the very end of the movie when the other girl also jumps down.


Hunter reached the antenna. She died going back up.


With how tall that tower looks, with minimal supports, and under such heat in the desert, I'm surprised the tower didn't go flaccid.


That would’ve been their best chances of going down…and not down in the way that the fat blond chick was used to, if you know what I mean.


Hmm, I agree firmly.

It definitely would have been safer for the chicks to wobble down a tall, yet flaccid-soft, tower.

Regarding the 'fat blonde chick', she is a variable and not a constant, pertaining to a geoengineering perspective. I am currently unable to assist on such a variable, fatly.


While we’re being real here, I’ve had my suspicions that the tower broke from when the fat blond chick rode it like a giant dildo the week before.


If that's the case, we're actually talking about a plot hole, a very large hole in a very small plot.

I am a mature writer [however, nothing publishing, only content written with heavily erotic roots/situations], I believe riding "down a giant dildo the week before" is very problematic...

For one, how could this 'very large chicken head' survive, bustling down a very groovy tower -- though riveting and suspenseful--, and not feel raw or rot between twin towers, biologically speaking?

It would be too much art over logic and reason.
