MovieChat Forums > Byzantium (2013) Discussion > This could almost be used as a backstory...

This could almost be used as a backstory for Let Me In

Couldn't help thinking this story could be easily serve as the basis for a backstory for the Abby character in Let Me In. Some tweaks here and there of course.

I enjoyed this movie very much. My favorite vampire movie since Let Me In itself.


I think I recognize you from the "We, the infected" forums. I see what you mean, though I suppose we look at it through a bit of a different lense. I don't want to say too much, as not to spoil it for someone who hasn't seen this yet, but I like to think the direction of Ella's future goes somewhere different, as the ending leaves potential for. I suppose that's part of what you meant by tweaks, though. Having just watched it on Netflix for the first time (literally finished 5 minutes ago) I'd personally like to look at Ella's story as her own separate journey.

There'd have to be a bit of tweaking to the Let Me In lore as well, considering Abby turned in a markedly differen't way, via a deleted scene :)


Probably just the overall vibe of the backstory since as you pointed out Abby had a far different origin. Although that deleted scene was so ambiguous that a lot of different story lines could fit it.


Ella does not seem as miserable to me. Abby had vampirism forced upon her, and she didn't have her mother watching out for her.

Still, I'd be interested to hear you elaborate further upon your idea. I also thought Byzantium was the best vampire movie since Let Me In.

Lee Kyle, author of Let Me In 2


Ella does not seem as miserable to me. Abby had vampirism forced upon her, and she didn't have her mother watching out for her.

Still, I'd be interested to hear you elaborate further upon your idea. I also thought Byzantium was the best vampire movie since Let Me In.

Lots of details would have to change. Problem is...I've forgotten the details of Byzanthium at this point! lol


I thought there were decent parallels as well.

I thought that the ending had the most similarity. As Ella helps the boy she's fallen in love with become a vampire so she'll have a real companion to share time with. I've always interpreted Owen's eventual fate as Abby turns him into a vampire for the same purpose. It should be noted that is exactly what Lindquist had planned and wrote Let the Old Dreams Die to explicitly debunk the interpretations that she was just recruiting a new caretaker.

I wonder if Ella knew just what she was in store for when Clara took her to the island. Did she know that she was going to become a vampire?

Ella didn't seem quite as miserable as Abby initially was. (In the film, Abby's mood seemed to markedly improve as she and Owen grew closer.) However, the years on the run seemed to have affecter her psychologically. IMO, that may have been due to Clara keeping her in the dark about The Brethren. If Clara had told her upfront about WHY they always had to move about, Ella would likely have had a different perspective of her.

Ella is also able to move about in daylight (And that was really the only thing I disliked about this vampire interpretation. It just have vampires who can venture outside in daylight.) and can obviously fit in better with regular society than Abby can. Perhaps that lessens her sense of isolation. Furthermore, as Derval says, there's a certain grace in how she feeds. She only preys on those who are ready and want to go. That would likely lessen the psychological impact of two centuries of feeding. (The film never states if Ella and Clara are able to feed without killing. My guess is they can as Ella drinks from Frank's arm without him suffering any apparent permanent injury.)

I also wonder why they didn't try leaving England. They might have left for Canada, the United States, Australia, etc. In much bigger populations they could have slipped away easier.

A really good Crossover could be Ella and Frank migrate to the United States, where they meet Owen and Abby.


Ella is also able to move about in daylight (And that was really the only thing I disliked about this vampire interpretation. It just have vampires who can venture outside in daylight.) and can obviously fit in better with regular society than Abby can. Perhaps that lessens her sense of isolation.



by TorontoJediMaster

» (Wed Mar 30 2016 13:49:45)

I also wonder why they didn't try leaving England. They might have left for Canada, the United States, Australia, etc. In much bigger populations they could have slipped away easier.

In some stories, vampires cannot cross running water on their own. And the Brotherhood probably keep a close eye on all the major transportation sites, which is why they hitchhike. 

