Netflix Instant Streaming Version
Im not here to argue whether this movie was good or bad or to talk about plot holes or spoilers. I just want to clarify a few things about the version that is currently available on Netflix instant streaming for anyone that is still interested or curious over what scenes they will actually be able to see. The scene where Martin is masturbating with sandpaper is half available as it shows him ripping a piece of sandpaper and then cuts to close ups of him making faces as if he is somehow in pleasure but for anyone unaware of the "sandpaper masturbation" aspect this particular scene would not make any sense. Likewise the scene where Martin rapes the girl at the end of the centipede while his penis is wrapped with barbedwire has been cut completely from this version and it does not in any way even make an attempt to show you what is going to happen or what has taken place it simply cuts straight to Martin slumped over the girl at the end of the centipede and without any prior knowledge of the "barbedwire rape" this scene makes exactly zero sense. Other contreversial scenes that have been talked about are the scene of the man getting his teeth knocked out with a hammer which is available in full and vivid detail and the scene of the pregnant woman giving birth in the car before promptly kicking it under the gas peddle and crushing its squishy balloon head which is also available in full. The reason this is considered the "unrated" version is because to my knowledge there was never a "rated" version released only several different edits of the same "unrated" movie based on territory. From all the (very little) research Ive done the version currently available on Netflix seems to be the US version but seeing as I am in the US it is very possible this is the version available to me and that each territory has their own version available on instant streaming.