Why THC's hype and others are not?
Why this thcs trilogy becoming so hype while another 'more' disgusting,gore, and stuff are not? Like for example visitor q,melancholie der engel,a serbian film, salo,devil experiments,aftermath,august underground trilogy,cannibal,and many more that gorier + more controvercial than this but how this trilogy become so hype that's my question and called this 'the gory fest of decade' and i mean wtf and for more example where the dead go to die and i mean for myself i'm a moviegoer and before i got GF i used to watch f up stuff and when i watch THC 2 it's gory but its not what i called 'over the top' is way beyond the top but it seems everybody told even my friend told me that this is goriest then i ask him to watch melancholie der engel with me and even he can't stand for 45 min lol! I just made his mind open i want you guys to have an open mind that there are countles movie that gorier and more supreme than this so chaw