Four things
1- He assaulted plenty of people at his working place, for sure there are security cameras there. I guess we just have to assume he deletes all these recordings or something?
2- So when he makes his first kill with the crowbar....oh wait, what was going on with these parts? The first few people who got attacked with that crowbar, which seemed to be going right into their heads....yet they all wake up later on in the warehouse. Really? The crowbar in this film was used as if it it was a simple knock to the head.....but it's absolutely not.
3- The baby scene....the mother.....WHY? Seriously...this made zero sense.
4- Alive centipede up your behind. Yet we see him back at his work, like everything is fine. Oh and the woman that was pregnant, she managed to escape...but Martin's still not arrested? I know the theory of some here that it's all a dream, but never once did i think that.
I've seen a lot of messed up movies in my life and i honestly don't watch them because i like them so much, mostly to see how much i can handle. That's basically what it is for me. But i gotta wonder how these people come up with such sick ideas for a movie. Nope i am not going to say the director needs help, but for some of these movies i really wonder how the hell you come up with such disturbing and sick stuff.