Twitter Confused Me

I'm kidding. This movie is pretty dull, but while watching it, Laurence Harvey retweeted and favorited my joke about fearing asthmatics, so I was a little swept away! The movie lacks the camp that the first one had with Dieter Laser, but goes in a different direction. While it is obvious this could have easily been a 25 minute short film and possibly incredible, it goes on an on with the abductions, then the silly side plot of his doctor and then of course, his surgery, which at times makes one wince. The thing that amazes me about this movie is that it takes three or four beautiful women, strips them naked and at no point is there one second of enjoyment had. That is an astonishing achievement and I'm not saying it in jest. As for the ending....yeah, not a dream.


Your not supposed to enjoy them being nude like that. Against there will and for a dangerous and gross act



This was more an answer to the fans. You could tell much more was answered here than in the first one.

In the first one, you have to admire the sexy midsegment. Even in this movie, they had Martin jacking off to her.

Reminder: The O.C. resets to its first episode on POP network April 1 @ 2 p.m. EST
