Anyone else agree?
So, I just watched Part 2 last night. I was wondering if anyone agrees or disagrees with me and why.
I liked the first one. It was nasty but it was also scary. I was also surprised with how well directed it was. Dieter Laser was awesome and creepy. And it was just a very effective horror film.
I watched the second one last night and I absolutely loved the first hour. Again, really well directed and creepy. But then, when the huge surgery scene comes, it's pretty much 30 minutes of surgery. Sure some crazy stuff happens. But I didn't care much for the people in the centipede as I did for all three of the unfortunate ones from the first.
I get what Tom Six was doing, I've read all his interviews and meta-whatnot. But that last half hour was kind of about nothing. Yea it was this crazy guy trying to reenact the surgery from the first film but I didn't find it very effective. He sure got what was coming for him in the end, it just wasn't as effective as the ending of Part 1.
Any thoughts? Anyone have a reason why that last half hour WAS effective, aside from grossing us out and saying "hey I didn't show you anything the first time.... So look at this *beep*