WTF is wrong these days

Films these days leave no imagination to the audience. Don't get me wrong I don't mind gore and I'm not totally against but this film just went too far and recent horror movies I've seen are also going to far. It's like they don't trust us with our own imagination. In Marathon Man we don't need to see the dentist drilling into the cavities we know its happening and we can imagine something far worse then they can show us.


It was the complete opposite of the first one.

I hate to admit I actually liked the first one. This one seemed to try too hard. I definitley won't be watching the third one.

Mr Vamps


Well, he has the top the second one with the gore and shocks for the third and frankly that is a challenge. Is there anything else he hasn't shown yet?


I'm impressed with how "meta" the second film was. It seems that the director had the nature of the centipede in mind when he constructed the movie. The second film is sewn to the butt of the first film, i.e.the logic of the first is cannibalized for the second. It is BRILLIANT. If the third film effectively extends this meta logic, then it will be a crowning achievement.


What does meta mean?


In art, literature, or film this concept is used to describe something that constantly refers back to itself. "Human Centipede II" refers back to the first film and uses that reflection to construct a new reality. Imagine a mirror that reflects another mirror that reflects yet another mirror. Eventually you lose sight of the original image, sorta like in a funhouse. Charlie Kaufman and Michel Gondry both make "meta" films. Hope this helps.



The second one was a remake from suggestion by fans. If you look at the IMDb board for the first one and see what all the fans had to say, it was what the second one was. It was that slasher. It was the one where the killer is scene masturbating to the midsegment gal of the first movie because many fans admitted that they jacked off to it. lol

Reminder: The O.C. resets to its first episode on POP network April 1 @ 2 p.m. EST
