I saw the first movie and I hate it and I'm not even going to attempt to watch this one. Please tell me the big parts of the movie. What I've learned so far is that some fat mentally challenged guy is fascinated with THC so he makes his own with 12 people. I read that the pregnant lady kills her baby trying to get away. Does she get away? How did she even get to the point where she was in a car? How long do the people stay alive while attached to each other? I also want to know what this big gruesome ending was. Thank you.
Film starts with the guy watching the opening credits to the first Human Centipede film at his job. The guy is a parking lot attendant in some kind of parking garage facility. He systematically kidnaps people from the parking garage and brings them to an empty warehouse. He has them bound and gagged until the last victim, the actress from the first film (The one that survives the first film, I forgot her name), unknowingly gets driven to the warehouse under the guise of auditioning for a Quentin Tarantino film. With his twelve victims together, he one by one begins smashing their teeth out and cutting the tendons(?) in their knees (like the first film but in a much grislier fashion). We see what we think is the pregnant woman die during this. The guy enjoys his centipede by feeding it, watching it walk around in circles, and injecting it with laxatives (every person gets an injection). A bit after the centipede is together the pregnant woman springs up (from under a tarp that was covering her naked body), runs outside, gets in the fat guy's car, and locks herself in just as the guy catches up with her. This is also about the time she goes into labor and pushes the baby out. Bad news for baby however as it lands under the gas pedal just before mom promptly slams on the gas to get away, smashing baby's head in the process. Guy is upset and goes back inside. The end is him one by one shooting all of his victims crawling around after he finds that the centipede is broken into two pieces, but not before the actress gives him an enema of his own gigantic pet centipede. Then it flashes to the guy at work and the end credits rolling on the first Human Centipede film. Presumably, the entire film was all in his mind (although this is a point of contention among some who think it wasn't all in his head). That it was all in his head makes sense because of some possible loop holes that could exist had this not been true (like the actress believing that the guy was driving her to see Quentin Tarantino) but there is room for debate.
There are other creepy moments in the film, particularly the guys relationship with his mother and therapist and neighbor (a guy who ends up as part of the centipede), but what's above is the main story.
So the middle girl from the last movie got stuck in a real centipede? In another post some comments talked about a toddler in the parking garage, could you or anybody clarify what that was about. In the same post I read something about wanking and barbed wire and sand paper? Also that was a perfect answer, summed up tons of stuff, thanks so much.
1. Yes, the middle girl from the centipede from the first film plays "herself", an actress, in this one since the film is based in the "real world".
2. The toddler thing: The fat guy attacks a couple in their car at the parking garage in which he works. Turns out they have a toddler (probably theirs) in the car with them. There's a looming couple of seconds where the fat guy is looking at this child and we the audience fear the worst because it's already established that this guy is capable of doing some very sick things without remorse. However, he merely shuts the door on the crying child (presumably the child just stays there for the rest of the film, we never come back to him). This is one of the points given by those who argue that the film took place in the "real world", and not just in his head. At the very end of the film, before the credits role, the shot is of the fat guy behind his desk at the parking garage watching the end of the first 'Human Centipede' and there is sound a child crying. Some say this is the toddler who was left in the car. I again disagree, but this is one of those points that open the issue for debate.
3. During the film, the guy is watching 'The Human Centipede' while masturbating with a piece of sandpaper. Think lotion as a means to enhance the experience, and then exchange sand paper for lotion...you're going to have a bad time; unless you're this guy.
4. The barbed wire was pretty brutal too. I had forgotten about that, so many other great tidbits and all. I don't remember exactly when, but at some point near the very end after the entire centipede was together (maybe after it broke into two pieces, I can't remember), the fat guy (I suddenly remember his name is Martin), wraps barbed wire around his penis, gets behind the last person in the centipede (I think it was a young Asian woman...woman for sure though), and proceeds to rape her.
For the record, I actually liked this one better than the first one. I thought it was (dare I say) brilliantly conceived by Tom Six as a sequel and not just regurgitated gore. I also thought the film deliberately tried to make the gore somewhat dramatic, but it makes sense if the film was all in this guy Martin's head. At any rate, it's not Hitchcock or anything but I thought this film was very well done. This guy who plays Martin is probably the best casted character I've seen for a horror antagonist/protagonist ever, taking into consideration that most hide behind masks.
I've seen pictures of the guy from the film. He seems perfectly creepy for the part. I think some day (in the very distant future) I'll watch this movie. Now that I know what happens there shouldn't be too much scary stuff. Just horribly gruesome things that I won't be able to get out of my head for a while. Thanks again for your answer.
"Presumably, the entire film was all in his mind (although this is a point of contention among some who think it wasn't all in his head). That it was all in his head makes sense because of some possible loop holes that could exist had this not been true (like the actress believing that the guy was driving her to see Quentin Tarantino) but there is room for debate."
Yes, there is. But, if it actually happened, that was a totally retarded and unlikely to happen in real life plot ever.
How the fuck could he kidnap so many people (including a said famous actress) without anyone suspecting him? Most of the people who were part of the centipede were kidnapped in the same place... The place that happens to be his job?! In what world would he simply return to work there? And the death of his mother, who's body is probably still in the kitchen? No police officer would even make a connection and would check his house and question him? I mean, his mother probably wasn't the most popular person in town, but he also kidnapped the neighbour... No? No suspicion at all? He could simply return to his job and no one would even wonder why so many people disappeared and their cars were all found in the same place? Those got to be the dumbest police officers EVER.
Anyway, even though I am usually 100% against the plot which in the end happen to be simply someone's dreams or imagination, in this case it would lower the level of ridiculousness of everything that happened in this stupid movie.
And honestly this baby killing scene was a total turn off and proved once and for all that Tom Six is simply a sick fuck who simply wanted to be edgy by making a scene with a high shock value.