Diarrhea in colour

Any ideas behind the reason why the only thing to have colour in the film was the explosive diarrhea the centipede members had after being injected with laxative?

Why not have colour on the blood? Surely blood has a stronger visionary meaning then poop?


Probably because,
A: You wouldn't be able to see a thing of it in black and white. (Although, that'd be even more sick, wouldn't it? Because you'd see it, and go 'what the hell was that?')
B: To create a more disgustful look.
C: The diarrhea was probably digital, anyway.

Stewie: (In sleep) 'Oh, that's it Mr Giraffe, get all the Marmalade...'


blood in color in an otherwise b/w movie has been done to death. "oh wow, lookie here, there's blood and it is red and important!"

highlighting the feces makes sense, because the sharing of feces is what this movie evolves around.


Tom Six was giving a nod to Schindler's list

Reminder: The O.C. resets to its first episode on POP network April 1 @ 2 p.m. EST


Not sure Steven Spielberg really wished that a director gives a nod to his biggest masterpiece in such a stupid piece of shit. But well, at least it shows that he has good tastes for movies I guess...
