MovieChat Forums > The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) Discussion > This has got to be one of the worst sequ...

This has got to be one of the worst sequels ever made

The Human Centipede (First Sequence) was a cheezy but entertaining shocker. Good enough that I actually looked forward to a sequel.

But this sequel was garbage. Much worse production values, plot, acting, even cinematography, if you can believe it.

I want the hour-plus that I wasted watching The Human Centipede II back!


I totally agree, I was actually looking forward to this movie and was hugely disappointed afterwards. It's biggest flaw was that it was boring, I was dozing off through out the whole movie.

There Ain't No Party Like A Fleetwood Mac Party


I totally disagree. The whole point of this movie was there was no point. The plot was very simple, make a human centipede. This is no award winning movie nor should be judged on that type of scale. At best this a on the same level of fetish porn...


Art for art's sake? Fine.
But then don't sell it as a sequel to a film that had a more traditional format. Give it a completely different title as a minimum.

(I don't really buy your analysis, by the way.)


I didn't care too much for the first film. It struck me as more an outline than a film. It was all right, but I felt that it didn't go far enough into the realms of the abject: there was lot to horrify about the first sequence, but little to compel toward. This film had that ugly sexuality of the centipede sequence, mostly taking place beforehand, but it was certainly present.

When I am king you will be first against the wall.



Nope can't believe it! This Movie was better in every way possible! Martin even topped the villan in the first sequence whose name I forget because he's just not that memorable.Yeah crazy surgeon has been done before, but this movie has way more to it than meets the eye, original, shock value, and Martin! The first was way too slow, a snooze-fest! Don't get me wrong I love cheesy horror movies as much as the next guy, but only if they're entertaining! This movie delivers!
Maybe you didn't like it because it wasn't in color.


No, it cannot be the worst sequels ever. Nothing can be worse than first movie. Basically the whole concept of this series is simply bad....


I have to assume you haven't seen the second movie. The second is absolutely repulsive in every way it is possible to repel our sensibilities. I'm ashamed to admit I have even seen it. It has no value of any kind, whatsoever. I can't even imagine what kind of person you'd have to be to find it remotely entertaining.


The movie rocked because it has Martin. Nuff' said.

Harvey is the single best thing ever came into HC series. His acting was godlike.


Both films are terrible and if you enjoyed any of them you are retarded or dont know what a good film is, Thats the reason both films never made a profit but lost loads of cash.

I would like to meet the morons who thought these films would be good and invested in them.


While I agree these movies are trash, If they lost loads of cash they wouldn't keep making them. Don't believe IMDB gross profits.

BTW, part 3 is already being made.


That is what I am trying to figure out. It is not just IMDb gross profits. One of the most reputable sites for accounting on budgets is and it only said these movies made several hundred thousand $. To put in perspective how much the movie lost, you would have to go to the first one. The budget of that movie was $1.5 million Euros (not even USD). That is a lot of money.

Reminder: The O.C. resets to its first episode on POP network April 1 @ 2 p.m. EST


Just stick to your Fast and Furious Mainstream *beep* and you wont be let down as much, and leave the cult classics for the horror geeks like myself! Why bother watching part 2 if you already knew you were going to hate it?! Wait hold on I can see your future your going to rent part 3 then get online and bash it.




You guys must be joking. This sequel was brilliant.


Agreed, I never bothered to watch the first one, and believe me I've got a stomach for brutal horror, but this movie had some seriously cringe-worthy moments, that being said I plan on watching the first as soon as possible, and am looking forward to the third. Point: this movie surpassed all expectations I had for it and for an exploitation film, it's brilliant.


But this sequel was garbage. Much worse production values, plot, acting, even cinematography
LOL what plot? A severely demented guy gets off on the human centipede idea & makes his own. There wasn't much else to the first plot. A severely demented dr. comes up with human centipede idea & makes one. Cops attempt to intervene, to no avail. You were expecting more?!

HCII is still an "entertaining shocker," to me. I mean what kind of expectations does one actually have for a sequel to a movie where people are sewn together mouth-to-anus?? You have taken these movies a wee too seriously. It's almost like complaining a cartoon was "too cartoony."

Personally, I found both movies entertaining. Sick, but entertaining. Six gave viewers exactly what he said he would - more "filth," more blood & poop. I like that people push how far they can go with movies (or any media), it keeps the freedom to express one's self alive.

I can't understand your crazy moon language.


I thought this film was great! The rawness of it all, the deep torment of the main character. It all made for a very gritty experience. It was a sad movie, something put together from a nightmare. If you can't appreciate it for what it is, then the film was obviously not made for your tastes.


I take it you haven't seen Caddyshack II.


Change the word "worst" to "best", and we're on to something.
