But this sequel was garbage. Much worse production values, plot, acting, even cinematography
LOL what plot? A severely demented guy gets off on the human centipede idea & makes his own. There wasn't much else to the first plot. A severely demented dr. comes up with human centipede idea & makes one. Cops attempt to intervene, to no avail. You were expecting more?!
HCII is still an "entertaining shocker," to me. I mean what kind of expectations does one actually have for a sequel to a movie where people are sewn together mouth-to-anus?? You have taken these movies a wee too seriously. It's almost like complaining a cartoon was "too cartoony."
Personally, I found both movies entertaining. Sick, but entertaining. Six gave viewers exactly what he said he would - more "filth," more blood & poop. I like that people push how far they can go with movies (or any media), it keeps the freedom to express one's self alive.
I can't understand your crazy moon language.