Works MUCH better on repeated viewings in the proper mindset...
I didn't mind the first film, but it was definitely overblown and overhyped.
The first time I watched this, I had mixed feelings. The gore was very disturbing (particularly the teeth bashing and tendon cutting) and some of the events that transpire (baby birthing, defacation, the audio hints of Martin's past, etc) were so over-the-top that they became hilarious. It also had a very funny sense of humor in a meta-fiction way, and I will say it was beautifully shot and that the black and white footage had just the right amount of contrast to really give it that iconic sort-of look. It is a well-made film, I have to say that. But I didn't know what to think.
Last night, I watched through the whole thing a second time with a friend, and I have to say, it works much better on repeated viewings.
The savage meta-humor and goofy jokes are much funnier, the satirical bite of it is more apparent, the serious moments strike deeper, etc, etc.
I actually loved this movie after my second viewing. People are getting far to caught up in the viscera, gore, controversy and objectionable content and don't seem to be seeing the at times brilliant meta-edge and humor of this film.
I really think that some people who dismissed it should try viewing it again in that mindset.
And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?