SPOILERS - If you believe the Bible is THE word of God,
then you'll hate this movie - as I do.
This is the most ridiculous version of the Exodus that I've ever seen! Almost nothing in it is true to the Biblical account of the Exodus.
Here are a few examples: Warning - spoilers
There is NOTHING in the Bible that says:
1.) Moses talked with God in the form of a child. (God spoke to him through a burning bush.)
2.) Moses trained an army of slaves and they set fire to warehouses, etc.
3.) that crocodiles attacked men in boats and crocs attacked each other which turned the Nile red with blood. (Moses stretched out his staff and God turned the Nile to blood.)
4.) Moses sent a message on the side of a white horse, written in blood, with the demand that Ramses set the slaves free. (Before each plague, Moses spoke directly with Ramses.)
5.) that the animals coughed up blood and died.
6.) that Moses argued with God about His methods (the plagues, etc.)
7.) that the slaves attempted to steal grain from the granaries and were killed by the guards.
8.) Moses plotted the escape route. (God went before them in the form of a pillar of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night to show the former slaves where to go.)
9.) the tide just happened to recede, allowing the Israelites to cross the Red Sea. (Moses held out his rod and the waters parted during the night.)
10.) Moses almost drowned in the Red Sea - or that Ramses almost did, too.
11.) Moses carved the 10 Commandments tablets. (They were written by the finger of God.)
But then again, it's HOLLYWOOD - so I guess I shouldn't expect that they'd get anything right.