I haven't had a chance yet to watch "EXODUS" so I did that this morning ...and what can I say but ... *sigh*
I want to point out that the movie itself is ok, but certain intents weaken the movie and clearly show how good Cecil B. DeMille's "The Ten Commandments" really is in comparison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are actually only two things that bug me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Directing errors (or poor directing choices)
Christian Bale, a british actor, fakes an american accent for this movie (in some scenes he switches, making it even more odd).
Ben Kingsley didn't do it in this movie - so why does he.
It feels out of place. It feels wrong. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Changing a Fantasy Epic into "History Channel"
Ridley Scott tried to make a historical movie, even going so far as to giving an explaination for each and every plague and miracle and making Moses a crazy man.
From the standpoint of writing I found that very clever and even enjoyed it somewhat. But it still felt completely out of place in the context of the whole movie.
Why? Because archaeologists have already debunked the myth of jewish slaves in egypt. (Actually...they have debunked the myth of pyramid-building slaves altogether. If you want to thank someone for the origin of the myth then give a shout out to Greek historian Herodotus...what an idiot)
So Ridley Scott goes so far as to create explainations for "wonderous miracles" but he doesn't in any way try to create a realistic historic backdrop.
At least Darren Aronofsky went the whole nine yards with his NOAH and made it a full out Fantasy flick (and the movie isis far better than EXODUS)
Yes, I've read the bible ... numerous times in fact. It's quite full of magic, demons, sex, crime, more magic, even more magic. And there are several books that compare to the bible ... LORD OF THE RINGS, GAME OF THRONES etc.
I don't understand the question marks you put in ... what is your question exactly?
Poor, sad, delusional little sheep. Putting all their faith into a book, written by men, long ago.
Hey, I like books as much as the next guy, but I certainly don't find any of them overwhelmingly holy to the point that I assume that GOD HIMSELF wrote them.
I liked "See Spot Run" a great deal as a child, but it's just a book.
Where the Wild Things are, was pretty good too.
When I was 7 or 8, I read Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss. But at no point did I immediately begin to worship him.
...maybe I was wrong!
Perhaps I foolishly and childishly neglected to see the relevance of that great novel. I see now that it's got a great many lessons, all of them carefully crafted to seem like nothing more than entertainment. The symbolism, allegory, and metaphorical significance was wasted on me as a child. Now, as an adult, I see that I missed the true value of Green Eggs and Ham.
I urge you all, to come and worship with me at the temple of Seuss! He is our shepherd, and we his flock!
Sure, it's mighty new and weird to some people, but time has a way of dealing with such issues nicely. In a hundred years, people will be willing to give their lives for our savior, Dr. Seuss. They will say his name before each meal, and he will be mentioned in their prayers. Holidays will coincide with his birthday, and the day of his death.
But, I think you know, as I do, that he didn't actually die. He ascended, and now watches over his flock. He's watching you right now, by they way, so you'd better not be fondling your unmentionables. He doesn't like that. Nor does he like it when men lay with other men. That's a no-no.
There will be many new rules to follow, in regards to how you behave, how you worship, how you marry, and pretty much every other aspect of your life. Those will be determined by regular dudes though, cause none of that is mentioned in Green Eggs and Ham. Over the coming decades, guys with power will think really really hard and long, and they will determine what Dr. Seuss REALLY meant, though it's not actually mentioned in Green Eggs and Ham, and they will then decree that we must adhere to their new interpretations. Later, another dude might come up with a newer meaning he got from the book, which might contradict that first guy, but if enough time has passed the newer set of rules will probably be followed.
Unfortunately, the world has a way of changing really fast. Who knows what languages will be around long from now, or how changed and modified ours will become. And then there's wars, empires crumbling, political change, and the ravages of time. When those happen, as they inevitably will, Green Eggs and Ham will be translated into new tongues. But, of course, those silly translators never really get it right, do they? Ever read the directions or descriptions on Japanese products? Would it kill them to find a proper interpreter?
And just like the comically-bad translations on the boxes of our Japanese candy sushi kits bought online, when the world changes dramatically and those tasked with translating Green Eggs and Ham into the new standard languages fail in getting every single line right, the people of the future will regard the newest translations as the word of Dr. Seuss himself! They won't be bothered with silly details. They are hungry, and want their holy books AS IS! Who cares about all that historical nonsense, amiright? They will conform their lives to the newest versions of Green Eggs and Ham, right along with the interpretations from whichever dude last decided that the Green Eggs, mean something very specific, and the Ham is something equally specific. Meanwhile, the box, fox, and every other line mentioned in the book means something very specific, dramatic, and symbolic to him, and that's how you will regard it too! Or else!
Sadly, the actual intent of our Lord and Savior Dr. Seuss might be very different from that future edition, and how it is taught and worshipped. And that's a shame. Especially considering how seriously those future people will be taking that newest version. They will be willing to go to war over it. They will literally HATE anyone who doesn't share their opinion of the most recent re-write and re-interpretation of Green Eggs and Ham. They will fully, honestly, and wholeheartedly believe that those who do not accept that the most current version of Green Eggs and Ham are the exact words of Dr. Seuss...are going to straight to hell!
Many new customs and traditions made up by those "dudes", which were never mentioned or envisioned by Dr. Seuss, will be integral parts of this future Seussism, and the hordes of mindless followers will follow these new traditions and customs as if they were the word of Seuss.
And that, is unfortunate.
You, me, pretty much everyone alive today, are very lucky. We know the real Green Eggs and Ham, no matter what comes.
......And thus,in a time long ago in a place very much where we are, in that long ago time, Dr. Seuss became Zeus. Crackle, lightning, Green "Eggs and Ham" exploding with the sacrifice to create his new breakfast regimen; cooked with Lightning, Fire, 'Splosions to help in the kneeling down of his worshipers!
And all thanks to "Dr. Who" adn his dredded TARDIS!!! WHo knew Dr. Seuss knew Dr. Who"? Who Knew? The Holy Grail of Mystery!
As we travel everywhere, We Are Here For Him, Zeus -of Dr. Who"
Bwahahaha! Holy Ha-Ha to the masses.
Or follow your heart and learn to hear your spirit, else forever miss whatever great kingdom there is.
Awesome post Horse-..., was laughing & appreciating the ideas all at once. Funnest, most awesome post I've read on IMDB in years! So odd that it would happen on the near-eve of its demise. Anyway, thanks for that; very kool!
That was NOT the point ... or to put it into your words ... Spider-Man movies are still presented as Fantasy movies ... and not as "This is what really happened"
Obviously this was also presented as fantasy. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God appeared to Moses as a young boy or that the Pharaohs of Egypt pranced around and hit on other men or that Moses killed random strangers in the desert to steal their stuff.
This movie has only a passing similarity to the Bible.
-- What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
Actually, I was impressed at how much was not explained. As an educated person, I am familiar with the stories in the Bible and many of them were presented in this movie without comment.
What's that? A bush on fire? Why? Who knows? No one mentioned it and it never became important. Why do crocodiles attack everyone? They didn't say. And so on. There were a lot of blanks in the movie.
-- What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
He also had a scene where Zipporah says to Moses that seeing the boy was the result of his head injury and he describes himself as delusional. It's funny that in Scott's quest to make something realistic out of Exodus that he had to introduce modern concepts like delusional hallucinations caused by a head injury to explain that away as if people back in 1300 BCE had the level of sophistication to even make that kind of rationalization.