Why was the planet called Melancholia?
All exoplanets (those outside the Solar System) are named after the star they orbit or the way they're discovered (Kepler, etc.), the last one seems to apply to rogue planets like Melancholia. Some examples: PSO J318.5-22 and OTS 44, two confirmed rogue planets.
Then, if scientists predicted that the planet would crash (with either Mercury or Venus) or pass Earth and then leave us (and arguably the Solar System) alone, why bother with a name instead of a designation as expected? Or, in case they wanted to name it because of how important it was, then why didn't they used a Roman/Greek name like the other celestial objects in our System?
I know I may be looking too much into it, because it's "just" a movie... but an explanation on Melancholia's name (a small dialogue or quick joke, something) wouldn't have hurted