Totally agree! My pet peeve in an otherwise brilliant movie. It took me three attempts to watch it. I couldn't get through it in one go simply and purely BECAUSE of the shaky cam work. It was unnecessary.
There are some instances where it can add dimension to a scene...but just a scene at a time, not the entire movie all the way through. I ended up taking Tylenol for this headache I got because my eyes were bugging out.
Hate it. HATE it. Big time. I can handle the brief moments in Jason Bourne for example, as that filming technique is critical to the fight scenes. But the entire movie isn't filmed like that.
In Melancholia, he also kept people half in frame, half out, partly in and out of focus, changing the angle and view.
I'm used to him messing with visuals (like he warped the visuals on the edges in Antichrist, but again, not all the time, it was scene/moment/character specific).
So yep, three attempts, only being able to watch about 45 minutes or so at a time and having to come back another day for another segment. For a movie I thoroughly enjoyed, it was ruined by the filmography.
Sic vis pacem para bellum.