About the absence of God in this movie...
With Lars Von Trier we should know that religion somehow is always an element in his films even when it's not there.
In this film I think it's almost a point in itself that religion was left out of the film. He describes a lot of people without many values and a maincharacter who struggles to find meaning in life. She does not have God in her life which would have made everything more meaningful. The film made me want to believe in God to avoid the emptiness of these characters. Therefore maybe even the moral of the film is: Start believing.
The same in Dogville where Von Trier purposefully left religion out-"I didn't want religion to enter the film". The preacher of Dogville had left and never been replaced and so they missed a moral leader and had to do with pseudointellectual Tom. That's also a way of saying-look how terrible everything can become without a truly moral center.
LVT I know from reading his biography is someone who would really, really like to believe, but just can't. What do you think about this theory?