Philip supposed to understand how business works and yet seems to have very little understanding nor tolerance for the position his wife holds. And the way he behaved to her father was just unpleasant - I'd rather have an old hippy than an intolerant selfish bread head. His character is more than just a little pathetic.


Agree, Philip was pathetic. He should have been supportive and proud of his wife, instead he behaved like a needing immature young boy. I've just started watching season 3, and am happy to see they didn't get together again.


I agree. My mother, who in her time stayed at home for the kids, at first thought Nyborg should've done the same. "They made a deal and her five years were up."

I then asked myself and her: what if it's the other way around? If Philip were PM and after just a yar Birgitte would've said "I feel lonely and don't want to take care of the kids anymore", people would've rightly blamed her for that, not to mention the devastating effect the divorce has on the kids. So yeah, mom, friends and me then had to agree he left way too early. Didn't give his marriage the proper chance it deserved.
