The Cast

The actor playing the P.M. looks fantastic for 45 years old. Fantastic actor too.

Cannot believe the actor playing her husband is 55 years old. He looks much younger than that.

The actor playing Simon is very cute.

The actors playing Kasper and Katrine are both brilliant.


Sidse BK has a really lovely smile and it lights up her face when she does smile. I agree about the hubby - very attractive. Liking Kasper's longer hair in series 3.

Don't be late, don't hesitate, this dream can pass just as fast as lightning.


Liking Kasper's longer hair in series 3.

Be careful with spoilers please (though this is a minor one). Season 3 is not yet available in America.


Oh come on it's hardly a spoiler - I could talking about a whole lot more as some of the other threads are. Oh I like his suits as well.

Don't be late, don't hesitate, this dream can pass just as fast as lightning.
