Content question

Can anyone speak to the content of the show (as in profanity and nudity)? Thinking of buying the dvds for the folks. . .


It seems to me that: whilst it is never crude it is adult, there has been brief nudity and sex is dealt with frankly and openly but scenes of a sexual nature are few. They DO occur and are not gratuitous, ( in my opinion )not much of a violent nature either BUT where there is it is usually frank and to the point.
Never what you might call 'harsh'
Both leads are strong women, and good looking.


Bits of sex but nothing outrageous worth buying for your parents I would say. Am loving all the European dramas we have had


You realise, that in all probability your parents have had sex, at least once.

Don't Care What The Governments Say
They're All Bought And Paid For Anyway

- Sun Green


As others have stated..there are a few shots of nude backsides. Always seems totally normal behavior. There are of course various affair type plots, perhaps more quote normal in Europe . I thought somewhere on imdb here or rotten tom there is a listing even with counts for swear words, violent scenes , etc. I would say this is one of the best done , real life, intense drama series , can not stop watching it shows I have experienced. No one I know should miss it. I have never watched much commercial tv, not seen some of BORGEN's comparisons ....but hey I am different, look at my lists...and I have a friend who claims he has never heard of Seinfeld .......
