What is with the Katrine character?
I'm halfway through the first season and it seems the show is evolving to focus on a news anchor named Katrine. They could have easily made the programs 30 minutes in length and skipped her parts entirely without losing focus on a new prime minister changing the way things are run. Every time Katrine appears I suddenly think to myself, "Oh great, what hokey melodramitcs are we in for now?" I'm not bashing the actress, just the writers for creating such an annoying character that I find impossible to relate to or empathize with. The show is titled Borgen, not NewsAnchor. I'd much rather see the reactions of Brigette's tentatively held together governments reactions to her new policies than worry about a tv blonde's love life and personal troubles. If it continues to focus on Katrine I might not make it to season 2, which according to the boards and reviews seems to be where things really start to mesh.