MovieChat Forums > Borgen (2011) Discussion > Hint for Continuity folks

Hint for Continuity folks

I have a beard and moustache and, as a bearded man, I have a hint for the Continuity folks in the Borgen production. A man CANNOT appear many times throughout the one-year timeline of the first season with a perfect three-day stubble (beard?).

The husband showed up in every sequence whether morning, noon, night, at home, at work, in a TV interview with his Prime Ministerial wife and his beard/stubble NEVER changed. This never-changing stubble seems to be established as a cliché in ALL productions whether they are filmed in the US, France, Denmark, or the UK.


Tell that to the production team of Californication. David Duchovny has had the exact same five o'clock shadow for 7 straight seasons now. That's since 2007. Along with the same shirt, same hair, same dead voice, same expression.

Never be complete.


If you want a good laugh, just close your eyes and picture him as he might really look with a never-trimmed, seven-year beard. It might even be a good substitute for the lack of expression. Actually, I think he's just too cool to show expression.

Now, I'm off to my Sarcasmaholics Anonymous session.
