MovieChat Forums > Borgen (2011) Discussion > Please America, don't do a remake...

Please America, don't do a remake...

... just air the original thing! Although I like Jason Katims (Friday Night Lights is awesome), the danish version is nearly flawless, and I'm afraid of what the US remake will be.


While I fully agree with your sentiment, it seems to be a done deal. What we may get is a case study of the difference in culture between the two countries. Borgen was erotic in a way that doesn't translate to American, and the attempt will be interesting to watch.

I just finished the last episode of season 2, and I'm a bit bereft that I'll have to wait so many months for more. Nothing else even comes close.


NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I really wish I could have just lived in ignorance of this fact for as long as possible. I will say I like the American version of The Killing (although I saw the US version first) but I don't see this show is translatable at all. I'm taking a wild guess that is's going to based around American politics and we just don't need another political series. If it's true that NBC is still doing it then it's really going to suck. AMC, Showtime, HBO, and FX are about the only American networks that can put out anything worth watching. Especially when it comes to drama.

I highly suggest watching the UK version of Death at a Funeral and then watching the US remake. It may send you into an acute case of depression but from then on out no matter what US remake you watch you can always say "well at least it wasn't as bad as Death at a Funeral.

I'm going to spare this board from ranting on about the US remaking The Bridge.


For depressing remake look no further that "Diner with Schmucks".
Everyone involved in that thing should be thoroughly embarrassed .


lol stephen king did a top10 of the best tv series he saw in 2012 and this was his #1. the bridge was his #4. i am picking up both and not bothering with the american crapshoot versions that are sure to follow.


Yes I agree. I was also going to say for God's sake no remake of The Bridge please. I didn't like it as much as Borgen and the Killing but the Danes are doing well enough on their own thank you!


I'm not one for US remakes but I am looking forward to the remake of the BBC's classic House of Cards. With Kevin Spacey in the lead and David Fincher directing it deserves a look.



If there's one way to ruin a show its trying to translate it into a new one...

What was wrong with Being Human? Why did Red Dwarf, Ab Fab, Life on Mars or The Office need to be made into US versions. They were in English already.

Borgen is incredible even with subs.

If Americans cannot handle a little different culture then let them go without!!


The Yanks never get remakes of anything British or European right. Sometimes they get close, but they are always unnecessary. Leave well alone, America.


Agree 100%.

It does neither country any favours to do these re-makes. We all know that the US can make excellent programs (The West Wing, for example) and the Danes/Swedes can also make excellent programs. Why can't we leave it at that?! Imitation is not necessary. I doubt the Danes would attempt to re-make the West Wing, for example, so why would Americans feel the need to re-make Borgen? Just watch the original. It cannot be bettered.

Americans - make your shows; Danes - make your shows. Let's just watch them as they are! Are subtitles really such a dealbreaker for audiences? Of course not! If they are, it doesn't say much for the viewers!


I just finished Borgen season 3 and it just solidified itself as one of my favorite series ever, and probably #3 foreign production of all time behind Dragon Tattoo trilogy and the 3 series of Swedish Wallander (still waiting for the 3rd to be released but i know i will love it).

Although America myself, I completely agree that most US remakes are average to bad, but trying to redo Borgen would probably be the worst disaster ever! The main thing that makes Borgen so interesting is that vastly complex multi-party system that it delves into. Yes, they also did a great job with character development and portraying the personal tole that politics takes on ones life, but I can't comprehend a way that a US version could even come close to attempting to pull off the multi-party aspect, since we really only have 2 parties here. OK, i know there are technically more but our system simply does not allow them to be even remotely influential like the Danish system does.

The other thing that would probably make me boycott an American version would be the fact that most political shows made here have an obvious tilt towards the left. West Wing was a decent show except for that aspect, but I'm sorry, I don't want to see the writer's personal political preference shoved down my throat as being the only correct way of thinking as it was in WW. One thing that Borgen deserves MAJOR kudos for is portraying all sides of arguments without clearly depicting a true preference either way. OK, they did have their fun with the extreme right (Freedom party) leader but all in all, I found it very fair. Particularly impressive was New Democrat's economic guy (a former Communist) stating that the millionaire tax would only hurt the economy. I would be shocked if I ever heard a logical statement like that coming from a US-made political show lol.


Same here, James.

I just finished season 3 about five minutes ago. I'm interested to see if there will be a season 4 and how that will work out.

I get very tired of the US remakes. I would prefer to watch the original.

I don't mind subtitles at all. I often find they make you focus more on what is going on because you have to pay attention to the screen.

I haven't seen Wallander yet, but I loved The Bridge. I've heard a lot of good things about Wallander, so I'll see about watching that next.

Look at me I'm a whole new girl jumping hopscotch on top of the world


I don't think that the non-presidential parliamentary democracy of Denmark with multiple parties translates well in a US context. Let's all be thankful for that.


You have to tell the Danish companies to stop doing deals with American tv networks that give them the right to remake the show and block the release of the original in the U.S. It is very aggravating.
