Missing scene

I was very surprised that there was never a scene between Kasper and Katrine after he gives her his box of secrets to look at. I was certain there would be a very dramatic scene in which they both talk about the contents of the box. But, no, the box was never mentioned again, Kasper seems happier, and the season came to a conclusion.

I wonder if a scene was originally written, maybe filmed, but then ended up on the cutting room floor? (If such a thing even exists these days.)


Just rewatched that episode. After she goes thru that box....she goes down and just be's with Kasper. Just her face, the tears, their heads slight touch. No words needed, ...she knows all the secrets now..That was an incredible final scene. Yeah guess could have been more, but for me that was enough. With that whole childhood theme so much was left to our own imaginations, and with that comes as much drama as you can stand.
