MovieChat Forums > Borgen (2011) Discussion > is it really that good?

is it really that good?

I am watching this on BBC4 and I am enjoying it but I ask myself "is it really that good?".
If I knew more about Danish politics or society would I think it was very unrealistic?

I like it,everybody looks nice and what they wear and the buildings they inhabit look great but is it just a soap opera?

The Prime Minister and her party seem like faceless middle of the road chancers like the British Liberal Democrats.

Of course people are lining up to say how great it is because foreign stuff is trendy,of course some of it is great,I think the original WALLANDER is great for example but I am not convinced that BORGEN is.

There have been good British dramas about politics but you have to be really old like me to have seen anything like BILL BRAND or THE NEARLY MAN?

Something like STATE OF PLAY or the recent remake of A VERY BRITISH COUP are the only political dramas,or dramas about politicians I can think of,anybody remind me of any more?



Thick of It of course

I can take or leave most Nordic drama especially the Killing, but Borgen is a cut above. It is beginning to get a bit self congratulatory but when it started it walked a fine line between the gooey earnestness of West Wing and the Machaevallian nastiness of British political dramas.


Go on watching Borgen! You will see: since episode 8 of Season 1 it becomes a very big drama and tragedy. Since that each episonde has a very high intensity. And each episode has more complexity than a complete season of other series.
And watch out for Kasper the spin-doctor! He is the secret star of the show!


I rather agree with the OP. I happen to be British, but I have lived in America for a very long time. I have watched, so far, the first 3 episodes of season 1. I will definitely finish out the season and maybe buy another season when it is done.

In the back of my mind though, I am also thinking that I thought the show would be better than it is. The New York Times absolutely drooled over it, but, so far, I am nor sure why. Coincidentally, I have just finished the original series of House of Cards and I thought that was brilliant. I also have the new American version in my Amazon wishlist.

In sum, I am wondering whether I would watch this show at all if it were in English. Is it only the exoticism of its being a Danish show that I am watching it at all?


The show is brilliant. Just finished season 1 and have pre-ordered season 2 from Amazon. Halfway through the season, I was completely addicted.


Well yeah itis a soap opera. But compare a random soap ....which I do not watch...with this and well it is a quantum difference.
I mean Downton Abbey is a soap but Hey...extremely well done on all levels. Like Borgen.


@ib011f9545i Of course people are lining up to say how great it is because foreign stuff is trendy...
I haven't noticed that. It's not like I hear people go, "It's Danish, so you know it must be great!"


People are lining up because it is that excellent. ...happens to be Danish. I don't care where it is from ...just that it is great.


Yes, it really is very good.


Never seen a show that generated so many interesting political/philosophical discussions about what is the right thing to do. Sometimes need to stop the show so a discussion can happen. A good show for that reason alone.


One of the best TV series ever
