Questions/Issues (spoilers)
It was implied that Angela may not even be Roger's biological daughter; her mother (the prostitute) may have been impregnated by a demon, or some sort of "immaculate conception" occurred.
1. Does this mean that Angela was NEVER anything other than the Antichrist playing tricks on everyone? In that case, why put on this whole show of a "transformation/possession?" Why not simply act like the innocent miracle-worker and start "taking control" of people that way?
2. At the end, the news clips show that some people are questioning her as a "heretic," but there is NO mention of the fact that there is FOOTAGE showing that she almost drowned a baby, apparently convinced a man to kill himself, moved her bed, and whispered through a wall to make patients attack each other and themselves. Are we to believe that the mental hospital wouldn't send those security tapes to the press/police after she became so popular and revered?
3. This is more of a general question for those who believe the Bible to be true. WHY in the world would Satan follow the "script" and do exactly what every Christian is already waiting for Satan to do? Can't we assume that Satan is aware of the existence of the Bible and its contents? If I'm the Antichrist, I'm thinking "Hmm, they're expecting a false Jesus to appear and convince the world to follow him/her, and then they're expecting the real Jesus to come back. So I'll simply send a decoy to be the "fake" Jesus, and then I'll appear after a few years claiming to be Jesus, and everyone who follows the Bible will believe me. How does the Book of Revelations even make sense when it basically reveals Satan's gameplan?