Found footage?

Is this found footage? I love Crank and I'm all for Neveldine doing horror, but if it's found footage I'm much less interested in it.


The Vatican and Tapes are involved, but I heard the script was reworked slightly.


Me 2! If I start watching a movie and I find out it's this found footage crap, then I turn it off. I really hate these cheap looking, handheld shaky camera, garbage movies that are hard to see. Some of them look like they're recorded on someone's cell phone, they're so bad!


are you sure you didn't see
The Vatican Exorcisms (2013)

I don't think this is a found footage movie at all


It's not found footage.

💀 The Faceless Men


There could be black and white fractions of found footage, but for the entire movie itself, no.


Thankfully it's not found footage. I hate that style of movie making and this movie is nothing like that. I thought the movie was decent enough for a watch. Wayyyyy better than The Gallows.


It's not found footage, but it does look like a TV movie.


No, not a found footage movie.
There are security tapes and some camera videos but it's more of a movie than the former.


If by "found footage" you mean "shaky cam" ... yes, there's a lot of shaky cam in this movie. I just saw it this afternoon. My guess ... just a guess ... is that about 40%-50% is shaky cam.

If by "found footage" you mean the thematic idea that the movie is itself reflective of somebody finding some footage somewhere and making it into a movie ... as in the classic Blair Witch "found footage" ... there's very little of that in this movie although there's a little.

I think the other folks commenting in this thread are talking about "found footage" in the second sense not shaky cam.

By the way I'm no fan of either shaky cam or FF except in exceptional flicks like Crank, Blair Witch, & Cloverfield. The shaky cam in Vatican Tapes I found annoying but not super-annoying. But that's me.

