MovieChat Forums > The Vatican Tapes (2015) Discussion > I would like to see a "Badass" priest ex...

I would like to see a "Badass" priest exorcist movie.

This sort of indirectly relates to this particular film, but I would love to see a movie that followed an Exorcist around who preformed these things in an accurate manner but has been so jaded by doing it so often that it just does not
bother him anymore.

No, not like Constantine. That was a pure action film/novel/graphic novel. I mean just a Priest who is so good at what he does that he not only does it well but is confident in doing so. While retaining the scare factor for the audience.

I doubt that's possible though.


I've been looking for the same thing. So far The Rite (2011) is the only one that comes close enough.


You know what? I actually agree with that. After watching that film I sort of felt like it was a super hero origin story as silly as that may sound. Glad I'm not the only one looking for something like this though.

I can't stress enough though that I would want the film to be serious and not some campy humor sort of ordeal. The Rite hits pretty close to this. 


Watch Deliver Us Fron Evil!!!


You described Lancaster Merrin in The Exorcist saga.


Looks like I know what i need to look at!

I've baited my hook with my own underwear. Is it wrong that I hope to catch a fish I can relate to?-Ragdoll.
