It just took bits and pieces of exorcism movies and slapped them together with lackluster performances and boring speacial effects that weren't very special. It wasn't scary or suspenseful at all and I didn't care what happened to any of the characters, they were very thinly constructed.
I said, "oh no" when I saw there was an old priest and a young priest, with the older one who travels to the US from far away and is very experienced in exorcisms. There was a line about the devil using the truth mixed up with lies to confuse people. and it was explicitly stated that what's really at stake here is the soul of the possessed person, not their body (really? REALLY? That needs to be spelled out?)
I said, "If she throws up on the old priest I am shutting this off" And when she yakked on him that's exactly what I did.
If you've seen "The Exorcist" you've seen all this already, and that was MUCH MUCH MUCH better done in every way. The Exorcist will give you nightmares; this movie will just put you to sleep.