MovieChat Forums > The Vatican Tapes (2015) Discussion > Has the Anti-Christ already arrived on ...

Has the Anti-Christ already arrived on this earth?

Is there any evidence whatsoever to even remotely suggest the long awaited Anti-Christ has in fact arrived and 'walks the earth' as we speak?

Does the Vatican actually know this to be 'fact' (with their secret underground evil-monitoring rooms and what not) but still choose to keep it under wraps for fear of causing mass panic!

If so what happens to the unsuspecting faithful when the day of reckoning (evil possession of souls) finally manifest - will it be entirely up to the individual to save his or her soul while the Church watches on?

PS: My Movie Cravings Are Satisfied Here:


Ok, firstly I am not a religious nut - I just happen to have been taught a lot. We know in the Bible it states that the Devil is cast down to earth and given a certain amount of time by God to raise his army which ends with Armageddon. Some believe that the end of days has begun especially looking at the state of the world so theoretically the Antichrist could be here on earth. Remember the devil's number is the 3 sixes (try the Omen for more info). I think the idea is to keep belief in God as the one true saviour despite the temptations that sway you otherwise. Hope that helps a bit.


Oh and in the Bible it states where


Sorry - cont:- The Antichrist will rise to power from the eternal sea. Which is widely believed to be the world of politics. So David Cameron, Barrack Obama or even Donald Trump, you never know!


You left out the obvious candidate -Hillary Clinton.


Yes. And if you're still here you should be flinging yourself at the altar and wondering why the promised rapture passed you over.

As for me, I'll be here wondering why stupid and delusional people don't perish in the womb as "unviable."

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


Stupidity should have at least evolved to become painful to them and not to those that have to put up with in.

Besides, wasn't Miriam the real Aunty of Christ?


Yes, and his name is Kim Kardashian.

Resistance is impolite, Friendship is mandatory.


I'm tempted to mention Donald Trump but that might be too obvious.


Yes I'm here. Is it anything I can help you with?


Well, there are some parts in the book of Revelation that are entirely possible in our days.

For example, Revelation 9 talks about how a third of the population would be killed via fire. Now let's think, when this was written thousands of years ago, there was no way a third of the population could die all of the sudden via fire. But today, the answer is easy: atomic bombs. A nuclear war.

Another example, Revelations 11 talks about two people known as "The Two Witnesses", they preach God's word and they can perform miracles. Eventually, they are killed and their two bodies lie in the street and are exhibited and "...they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half...". When this was written, they couldn't tell if a dead body was lying in the street, say, a mile apart. Certainly other nations wouldn't be able to see dead bodies lying in the street in another country. But now we have satellites, TV, internet, phones with internet, etc. If an important person dies on the street, we would be able to see it. We can go to Youtube, type 9/11 and see what happened 15 years ago as it happened this morning.

Another example, Revelation 13 talks about how both rich and poor will receive the mark of the beast, in the right hand or the forehead. People without this mark wouldn't be able to buy or sell. How is this even possible? Well, a chip. An electric coin. If the world econnomy collapses and somehow the countries decide to switch to an electronic coin, this could be possible with a biological chip. Your salary info goes to the chip via internet, when you want to buy something you slide your right hand directly to a scanner and boom, you buy it. You go online, provide your chip information (like a credit card, currently) and you can buy. In this scenario, if you don't have this chip (mark), you can't buy anything in stores.

Is the Anti-Christ alive? Well, some conditions are there right now, alright.

Sent from my computer, using my keyboard.
