They ruined Rabban! What a giant waste of a villain...
So in the first movie we had this vicious and powerful villain called Rabban, portraited by a big muscular guy like Dave Bautista. He was one of the main responsibles for the mass attack towards Arrakis and for thousands of people, during the first movie.
Everyone wanted the man hero, Paul Atreides, to get revenge sooner or later on Rabban, or if not him then someone like Gurney Halleck who's a very powerful hero as well.
Then what do we get in the second movie, Dune 2...? Rabban turns into a bumbling idiot who just yells in frustation in every opportunity, then when he fails his missions his uncle Vladimir Harkonnen threatens him and makes him looking more like a regular follower.
Then the insults continue with the appearance of Rabban's younger brother - Feyd-Rautha!
Feyd-Rautha is younger, smaller and doesn't look as menacing as the original portrait of Rabban. Yet when both start arguing they fight and Feyd-Rautha just wins and destroys Rabban in just a mere few seconds, and if it wasn't enough he makes Rabban kiss his feet to beg for his own life.
And it's not over. Rabban now has finally lost all his menace, now he just looks like a watered down and almost irrelevant villain. He now looks weak and pathetic.
So what happens? Finally we get the fight we all wanted at first, when Rabban was meant to be a serious villain at first - Rabban vs. Gurney Halleck!
Before the fight begins I just stopped caring what happpened because Rabban now turned into a mere pathetic henchman, not vicious anymore. But I was still curious what would happen.
So what happened was... Gurney Halleck absolutely destroying and killing Rabban in just a few seconds... LMAO!
Congratulations! They absolutely destroyed Rabban and made a villain with extreme potential into one of the most pathetic villains ever!
What the hell where they thinking?!