MovieChat Forums > Kaboom (2010) Discussion > Was this written by a child?

Was this written by a child?

A pretty thick child at that. Infuriatingly bad.

(and now I await the "You didn't get it, back to Transformers 2 with you!" responses)

These bastards!


Care to elaborate on what makes this so childish?

I don't know many 8 year olds running around having threesomes and using profanity.


When I say child, I mean young adolescent. It's like something I might have written when I thought sex and drugs and needless profanity was something to strive for. It's quite hard to explain the exact feeling I got from it, but it's also really obvious. It's the same feeling I get from watching Skins, which suffers from a similar problem.

And this isn't to say that I'm prudish, easily offended or not "used" to indie films. To shamelessly plug my credentials, I list films by Jodorowsky, Lynch, Bunuel and (on occasion) Von Trier among my favourites and Bret Easton Ellis among my favourite authors. What this film seemed like to me was as if someone had skim-read "The Rules Of Attraction" or "The Informers" and tried far too hard to make a film along those lines, but in the process missed everything which made the book so great and just settled for the superficialities coupled with some painfully pretentious pseudo-philosophical dialogue (which, funnily enough, was the same thing which happened when Hollywood decided to adapt The Informers, with disastrous results).

I understand that Mr. Araki's grasp on English may not be great, but that can't account for everything that's wrong with this film. And I'm somewhat surprised, since I remember liking Mysterious Skin quite a lot when I saw it (although this was, admittedly, about five years ago), but this? It came off like a slightly thick art student trying far too hard to impress his professors and contemporaries by being "edgy" for the sake of it, haphazardly tying it together with some vague, poorly-explored social themes.

And that's just the writing, don't even get me started on the acting, direction, editing etc.

Yeah. "To each their own" and all that, but this one just genuinely annoyed me.

These bastards!



No, actually, I went into this with no preconceptions whatsoever - I was bored one day and just wandered into one of the "art house" cinemas and picked this one, mostly because it was the one starting soonest. I didn't even put two and two together and realise that it was the same guy who made "Mysterious Skin" until after I came home and read about it on here.

I think I also have bad luck with that cinema - I recently saw "Norwegian Wood" there, which was terrible for completely different reasons.

These bastards!



I have to just say, I think with ARAKI you have to sort of live-it to get it. I also think his rapid vapid childishness is quite intentional and most every bad review I read of his work, screams that the reviewer missed all the sarcasm, social commentary and intentional stupidity. Or maybe a better thing to say is that many seem to not get the way he chooses to shuffle that deck?

"The more real things get, the more like myths they become. " R.W. Fassbinder
