
This was one the worst movies I have seen recently. I had heard that it was somewhat similar to Donnie Darko so I decided to give it a shot. But wow, this movie is bad. It started off fine, and I thought it was an interesting concept but then the plot took a complete 360 turn and well, I still don't really know what the F happened. The last 10 minutes consisted of most of the characters in the movie racing to some unknown destination and explaining the plot of the movie. It still didn't make any sense! Something about a secret society, and the world will blow up if the main dude doesn't do something.. I don't know, this movie was a huge waste of my time.

Hey, Buster hit her. I just gave her the roofie.


LOL! I can't help but laugh.
Oh my *beep* god! Was the plot seriously that hard to understand?

What are you? 10 years old? You sure have the attention span and IQ of one.

The plot honestly was not that complicated!
Below I'm posting the plot outline. If you haven't seen it, there will be spoilers below.

Smith, the main character, starts having these weird dreams. These the elements of these dreams start coming true. Turns out, his father is the leader of a cult and 3 of the people he has been interacting with are actually members of the cult, spying on him. At the end, they're trying to take him to meet his father, while the other car is chasing after them, trying to rescue Smith.

That description is in a nutshell. There's ton of other elements involved, and theres a lot of events that take place. But none of it is really confusing.

But, is that plot really so hard to understand? It is not rocket science.

I'm fine if you don't like the movie, cause that's your opinion, so whatever. But I honestly feel like the audience viewing this movie is literally retarded. They don't understand a relatively simple plot, they're homophobes and cringe at sex like a 10 year old, or they're perverts who just want to see Juno Temple's tits.


Ok, so you're a total douche. Yes, the plot was not that complicated but it was presented in a way that was completely ridiculous and had random characters explaining it at the end of the movie during the last 10 minutes. That's just poor storytelling. And I don't appreciate you labeling me as a homophobe with the IQ of a ten year old. So 'jpga666', maybe you should stop acting like a total a--wipe. I can see why you like this movie though, it seems to appeal to F-ing idiots...

Hey, Buster hit her. I just gave her the roofie.


LOL! You are utterly moronic! Sorry, dude! I just call 'em as I see 'em.

There was nothing ridiculous about it. My little brother could probably grasp the entire concept quite easily.

Random characters? Every character in the movie had multiple appearances from the very beginning, and a few of them from the middle. It's not like they just randomly threw in characters at the end to explain it all. Every character was previously introduced before the last 10 minutes.

The reason why you think it is poor story-telling is because like many others before you, you're not the brightest crayon in the box and you can't follow a simple plot.

I never said you were. I said that people in the past who've made negative comments on the movie fall into one of those three categories. I'm probably correct about the 'IQ' thing though.

I'm just being the voice of reason. The voice of logic. Someone who actually knew what the *beep* was going on through-out the movie. Don't call me an idiot when you make comments like "random characters explaining it at the end of the movie".

HAH! Ridiculous.
What you do? Watch the beginning of the movie, pass out, then wake up for the last 10 minutes? No wonder the characters appeared to be random to you. You either literally or metaphorically nodded out half-way through the movie, resulting in you being quite misunderstood about the events that took place within this movie.

Have a good day!

P.S.: If you don't like this movie, that's fine. It's not for everyone. But honestly, based on your comments, I don't think you gave your full attention to this movie, and for that reason, you're opinion isn't going to be held highly.

Maybe you should go see this again, except this time, actually watch it. Actually take note of the dialouge, of the events, of the characters.

Because the way you're coming across, it sounds like you watched "Kaboom in 30 second" on youtube.


Damn, are you always this rude to everyone? I wouldn't waste my time with watching this POS movie again. But you go ahead and enjoy this crap movie, since apparently it appeals to complete a--holes like you. I stand by what I say, this movie is a complete waste of time. You are the moronic one, have you even seen any of the user reviews of Kaboom? People say the same thing that the plot was ridiculous and convoluted. I really don't give two sh-ts what some little douche turd like you thinks. So.. go to hell dick.

Hey, Buster hit her. I just gave her the roofie.


lol, and I'm rude? What the *beep* were you expecting when you came on here, creating a thread and decided to talk *beep* about the movie.

Were you expecting a horde of people to agree with you? L-O-L.

I'm a moron? At least I understood a relatively simple plot.

Just go. Please don't watch this movie again.
Obviously you are not the type of individual it caters to.
In fact, you seem quite the opposite, so I'm sure it's for the best.


Do you not understand the concept of a message board? Here, I'll explain it to you. People post their thoughts and opinions on message boards and then other people post their thoughts and opinions in response to the original post. I posted my opinion on the movie, and it just so happens to be a negative opinion of the movie. So, maybe you should remove the stick from your ass and grow up. If you can't handle someone posting something negative about this movie then you should really not be posting on IMdB.

Hey, Buster hit her. I just gave her the roofie.




If you understood the concept of a message board, than you would fully understand that whether you like something or not, and feel the NEED to express it, you should expect feedback that is not the same as you....

That's pretty much what I just said. I gave perfectly valid reasoning as to why I didn't like the movie. I don't know what more you people want. Just because I disliked this movie you're acting like I punched your mother in the face. If you reread jpga666's fist post you will see what a tool he is. He calls me an idiot and insults me for having a negative opinion of Kaboom. Reading the responses of you people that liked Kaboom makes me hate it even more. You two are a couple of dicks and I you two get hit by a bus.

I was never one to hold grudges. My father held grudges, I'll always hate him for that.


lol! sorry for the "insults" (if you'll call them that). that's just the way i talk. the reason why i insulted you was because I think you didn't really watch the movie. i'm sure you watched it, literally. but i don't think you really watched, in the sense that you were giving 100% full attention. if you had given your full attention to the movie, I think a lot of your criticisms against it would be non-existant.

had you paid attention to the movie, you would've noticed that there wasn't random characters at the end, and that the plot was not complex in any way whatsoever. it's a relatively simple idea, but it's got a lot of sex, drugs, ect. stuffed in between it, to lengthen it.



I have my own opinion, and after watching the movie I hated it. You're right that the fact that I hate the movie doesn't make it a bad film, but the fact that you like it doesn't make it a good film either. In my opinion it is a crappy movie, but I could care less if you think it's good. I posted on this board to share my opinion of Kaboom, that's pretty much what people do on message boards. You still can't seem to understand that concept for some reason...

I was never one to hold grudges. My father held grudges, I'll always hate him for that.



You're right but you insulted the OP so that's your fault.



I did't even read your other posts other than the first one and it's clearly there, but whatever. You also insulted the audience.



OK, sometimes denial is good for people.



The film itself is an insult to the audience.

I was never one to hold grudges. My father held grudges, I'll always hate him for that.
