MovieChat Forums > Kaboom (2010) Discussion > 'Director' Araki is actually an adult..!...

'Director' Araki is actually an adult..!!

We were suckered into watching this movie as it was rated three stars on Tivo...HaHa...

After watching this movie my wife and I looked at each other and surmised that this movie had to have been made by a rich and spoiled rotten 18 year old kid...imagine my surprise to discover on this site that the writer/director is almost my age...!

The beginnning of this movie has all the flavor of a teenage utopia of drugs and sex with a snotty entitled arrogance to the characters which made the movie somewhat interesting, even though the production seemed hopelessly amateur. It reminded me of seeing Plan 9 from Outer bad it makes you cringe yet you can't stop watching the train wreck.

The last ten or so minutes seemed hurried and slapped together as if Daddy was beginning to tighten the purse strings...One adolescent line and scene: Four guys in a van with two tied up women..the guys discussing whether to remove their declares..."If either of them mouth off I reserve the right to plug their face hole.....WITH MY COCK"

Then immediately the smallest girl manages to get untied and of course beats up the guys...The rest of the movie gets steadily worse....totally out of the blue telepathy, mind control, all the way to blowing up the world out of remorse I guess...ridiculous.

OK now here comes the four or five rabid Araki defenders who have swarmed over all of the other negative criticisms of this horrible waste of time in 3..2..1...


I agree. The last 10 minutes were mind-numbingly pointless. For me, the whole film was mind-numbingly pointless and juvenile. I kept wondering: just what is this flick supposed to be ABOUT, anyway? It is wildly uneven. It is billed in some places as a scifi-comedy (?). I think there might have been two minor giggles in the entire flick.

The director has his fans, and that's fine, but I'm not one of them. This was my first and last experience with him.
