Juno Temple's accent
wtf was wrong with it?! Aha
I know she's English but what was her accent meant to be? her pitiful attempt at American? I just couldn't tell
wtf was wrong with it?! Aha
I know she's English but what was her accent meant to be? her pitiful attempt at American? I just couldn't tell
She grew up in Somerset in England, so I shouldn't think so aha.. I mean, it would've made sense if they'd explained her backstory in the film or whatever.
I dunno but i've seen her in other things and she hasn't had such a weird accent hah
shareand aren't ozzy and sharon osbourne both English anyway?
shareTo me she sounded Australian?!?
shareHer characters name is probably a clue....maybe an in-joke from Araki about the perception that most (not all) US cinema seems to have of the British...I could be wrong of course
"Gran'pa was always tha best...."
Wow, are you serious?
Americans really don't know what an English accent sounds like?
I can see why the rest of the world hates you.
Her accent is ENGLISH. Both of her parents are English, she grew up in England, therefore, her accent is English. This is her natural accent.
I assume the movies where her accent was 'better' were all the ones she was putting on an American accent in hm?
Wow. I heard that Americans can't even place any country (or their own, for that matter) on a world map and I didn't want to believe it. But now, I most certainly do.
Oh, and the character was named before she signed on. She signed and was supposed to do an American accent, then they decided it'd be funnier for her to have her natural accent, since her name is London. Which is why it doesn't really make sense in the film, since she's supposed to have grown up near/with/around/whatever Smith's family.
NOt sure if your reply was aimed at my comment Blue Eyes Diamond. But if it is, you may have misunderstood.
Juno Temple's accent was exagerrated to the maximum, I'm sure. Yes, of course she is English. But Araki is smart and by calling her London, with I'll repeat, an exaggerated English accent, I thin khe may be having a sly nod and a wink at US cinema.
But if you look at commercial US cinema most - and I do say not all.....and certainly not referring to the people of the country as you arrogantly do in that you NOW believe Americans can't place any country or their own on a world map...bit of a sweeping statement - if you look at most commercial US cinema, the portrayal of people from England are pretty stereotypical, i.e. you would rarely get a scouser or someone with a brummie accent portrayed.
That is what I was trying to get across. Funny enough I'm from the North of England too.
I hope your view of american people changes. you'll say next that all German people steal deck chairs when in Spain if you are not careful.
"Gran'pa was always tha best...."
she had a mid-atlantic twang.
Eric C 4 Prez
"Wow. I heard that Americans can't even place any country (or their own, for that matter) on a world map and I didn't want to believe it. But now, I most certainly do."
Did you really just say that? Do you seriously think we are that stupid? Why is it that the British(I'm assuming you are)always think they are so smart? If America is such a "stupid" country then why do so many people want to live here? Why do so many people from all different countries move to the U.S? Clearly we are doing something right.
At first I thought it was weird too during the party/ toilet scene but then afterwards she just sounds very much English. Maybe the hallucinating sequence made her voice sounds a bit strange generally hence wasn't sure what accent she had.
I haven't seen her in other films but no doubt it's an english accent.
She was doing a trans-atlantic accent. A mix between english and american. Her character was from the UK but had moved to america. I thought it was quite clever actually...it's a difficult accent to do. Toni Collette did something similar in Velvet goldmine.
in the movie she says "dude I'm European and her name is London, she's suppose to be English and that's her real accent, how she actually sounds, she can do a good American accent, watch Little Birds or Dirty Girl
shareI thought her accent was ample. A lot softer and rounder than I thought they'd be. Her accents that was.
Opinions are just onions with pi in them.
Ignore what everyone on this board are saying. You're correct her accent is weird and other posters trying to brush it off as "Are you kidding me it's an English accent" or funnier still "It's a somerset accent" are laughably missing the point. She just sounds weird....... most likely because of her unusual upbringing.
She definitely has an English/American transatlantic accent but it is *beep* up. She has lived in America and the British English part is more public school than native Somerset (trust me the Somerset accent is very different from the way she is speaking in this film.
This link might help clarify.
Dude, that link took me to a porn site where there was a Juno Temple lookalike who was urinating on a helpless old man. Gross!
DO NOT click on that weblink.
Now that really is 'niche'.
Oh well, everyone's got to have a hobby I suppose.
It is *beep* bizarre. I didn't know who she was and assumed she was an american doing a terrible english accent. No idea what her intent was, maybe she was trying an american accent and failing.
What a lovely way to burn...