it seems that ol' Gregg is one misunderstand director
...but I am sure that just inspires him further.
KABOOM was a brilliantly funny b-movie horror/sci-fi 80's teen-esque hybrid that is an extension of films like Doom Generation / Nowhere / Splendor.
Granted, his films are by no means for everyone, but he makes genuinely great b-movies, albeit in that knowing way that Araki pulls off, effortlessly sticking the fingers up to the mainstream. I mean compare his films to other teenage fare like THE GIRL NEXT DOOR or 72 MILLION FIRST DATES, its a different thing altogether. Check out Jordan from THE DOOM GENERATION if you don't get Araki's intent, his soundtracks, skewered faux-hip dialogue, seemingly pointless scenes.
And I love all the seri-arse msuo journalists who could finally appreciate him with MYSTERIOUS SKIN, but are holding back the stuttered criticism for his latest.
Great director...its no coincidence that John Waters is thanked in the credits.
"Gran'pa was always tha best...."