Reminiscing the old days

Its been awhile since the early days of both shows, but from what i remember and gathered, the early part of people turning into zombies caught people off guard and in disbelief at first. Which would most likely spread somewhat quickly at first, but once word got out, it would slow very fast. It wasnt hard to stay away, get away or kill the zombies.

So yes, unknowing and panic would get some unexpected. Alot of people could've gotten away easily. its not like a contagion that spreads. Its just when a person dies, they turn. So, once it became known whats happening, all our agencies could have swept, exterminated and controlled the problem easily.

I mean, if you watched the early episodes of ftwd, they show reserve guys firing 50 cals into a crowd of zombies. Nice thing about zombies, they are lined up well and dead flesh is easier to penetrate than live flesh. So they'd be mowing down zombies. You don't need head shots. Yes, head shots kill, but the zombies would be tore up beyond useful to be harmful. Yet they showed the weapons to be useless. Actually they showed bullets bouncing off chain link fence more than hitting zombies but the fence stayed intact (LMAO). Also, what were those portrayed zombies gunna do against tanks and big army trucks. Even if there was a horde of zombies and your in a tank you wouldnt need to shoot. Simply run them over. It be far more effective.

You could've simply pulled out the heavy construction equipment and go for a spin. These zombies would just be squished by the thousands.

This show showed SO MUCH DISBELIEF it was absurd really. But i watched both almost to the end. Some of the parts that are well known and took the cake are the magical van episode and the Glenn surviving. One part i really hated but i dont think got talked about as much is the episode that the governor must have had a gps tracking device on Andrea, cus he tracked her down throughout with ease.

Feel free to reminisce and jot down your memories of ridiculous unrealistic scenes of the show.


The zombie parade was an absolute message board dumpster fire.

There was a part, when they had the corrugated metal wall at the turn and zombie heads were popping like water balloons when they bumped into it. So much eyeroll.

As for the collapse of society, I mentioned in the other post that the only way it makes sense to me is if a large percentage of the population turned spontaneously. The 50 cals and rifles are cool and all, but there is so much explosive ordinance in the armory, that bullets would be the least effective of grenades, bombs, rockets, artillery.

A single 40mm HEDP grenade has a kill radius of 5m (15ft) and casualty radius of 15m (45ft). That means on impact, it sends shrapnel flying in every direction in a 90ft circle, which shreds flesh and bone. A Mk19 automatic grenade launcher can shoot out 1600m with belt fed 40mm grenades. Multiple Mk19 with interlocking fields of fire will stop any horde. And that's just small crew served weapons. It goes on from there.


Oh, good one. I forgot about the zombies heads popped by just bumping into the sheet metal.

Yup, i remember you saying that about only way it be real is it was a large percentage at one. And i totally agree. Which we know from what they showed wasnt what happened.

Very good point on bullets would work, but explosive ordinance would be far better. Hell, like i mentioned, tanks and heavy equipment would work well to just run through them.

On a separate note, i think it was season 4 when the governor met with that other group and turned them into part of his revenge plot against Rick and company. But remember the zombie pit that they burned the zombies and the show portrayed the zombies charred but still living the next morning. Whats your thoughts on that? I thought it was an unrealistic concept the show portrayed. knew by then if you kill the brain, the zombies stop. When the person dies, the brain doesnt completely die. Well, fire would finish any brain. Should've seen the backlash i received from saying fire can kill these zombies from people saying the show showed how fire doesnt kill them. I really didnt care about the dumbness the show showed, lol


Yes. Extreme heat should kill the brain as effectively as any other physical trauma that they show. But when you get into it, so should oxygen deprivation. And without a working metabolism, it all falls apart.

That's where the suspension of disbelief has to kick in. But for the premise only. Yes, we know they don't have working lungs and circulatory systems and the brain is surviving without oxygen and nutrients. Okay, it has to by some "magic" for the show to work. However; "This show showed SO MUCH DISBELIEF it was absurd really." Yep.


Absolutely correct there. Good points
