Yeah, I really miss the old IMDb boards. I had been there and loved them for years before I started writing about THE WALKING DEAD. At the point I wrote that article, my first proper one on the series, I had been in a very bad place in life for some time, and it was writing about TWD on the IMDb board that sort of dragged me back to writing when I hadn't been doing much of it for a long time. That piece was like a formal come-back. While TWD was really taking off, I apparently tapped into some dissenting sentiment a lot of people felt about it, at a time when everyone else was going nuts over it, but hadn't quite seen put into words yet. A lot of people told me, over the years that followed, that reading my stuff made them enjoy the otherwise-bad show a lot more. It was always fun to post a new one and watch (and participate in) the food-fights they would generate, because fans of the show HATED my articles on it and took it way too seriously. My stuff was never more popular than when I was writing about TWD.
Someone once told me that, in the end, I sort of won, as everyone got sick to death of the show. But it's more the case that all the problems I was identifying while it was on the rise eventually just wore everyone down. It never really got any worse--season 3 was, in my view, the low-point and it was still on the rise then. It just took a while for everyone to get sick of it.