Running Out of Ideas

After the Whisperers, they pretty much ran out of ideas.

I mean, an entire episode where Daryl has a lady friend in a cabin that went away.
An entire episode where Gabriel and Aaron get drunk and meet a mad man (which made no sense).
An entire episode where a character goes crazy in a train car (a character we've only just met and therefore don't care about).
An episode where Carol chases a rat.
Flashback episodes.
An episode where walkers are... sleeping?



Yeah, this last third of episodes has been pretty dismal. This last episode Sunday night, however, actually wasn't too bad & had a bit of action in it for a change. Next week is the series finale & it'll be interesting to see if they stick the landing.

One thing I find particularly ànnoying is the episode opening flashback scenes with the Judith voice overs.
Also how they're dragging out the opening title sequence an extra 20 or so seconds. Then you have the episode ending BTS segments with Angela Kang dragging things out even further.


well they had those filler episodes because they filmed them during covid and not being able to have many people on set. that is why there were only a few people in each episode and back stories etc.
