Daryl Didn't Ask Lydia

Maybe Lydia wants to return to her mother and people instead of sitting in a jail. Daryl didn't consult her.

Why keep her when she's not trustworthy? They go through a strict ritual to see if a new group is safe enough to live with them and Lydia gets a free pass?


He knows she was beaten by her mom (and much worse if they go there on the TV show), so he understands why she is the way she is. Also she knows about the kingdom, so even if she promised not to tell her mom, he knows she will extract that information one way or another.


maybe also the fact that Lydia is only like 14 or 15? maybe he thinks she is just scared and can help them?


Wasn't that in the previews for next week?
Didn't this weeks episode end with Mom and company at the gate along with Luke and the other guy?
If Daryl's refusal to give her up is next week how do we know exactly that he didn't consult her?
