"BURY THE GAYS" ?!?!?!
Firstly, I'm not denying that the "Bury the Gays" trope exists. It does. And it is a problem. Entertainment is one of many industries that mistreats minorities, besides just gays.
However, every time a gay character gets killed, you shouldn't just jump to lumping it in this category. Death is a common theme in this show, no one is immune. Death has come for many we didn't think it would. I'm too tired to do the math or look it up, but it seems to me that, on the show, like in real life, most of the people identify as straight. Most of the characters who are alive are straight. Most who have died are straight. Jesus isn't the first gay to get killed. There are still a couple gays left (ironically that will do neither Aaron or Tara any good). My point is people make way to big a deal about it. It was for the story. They were due for a major death. The last one was Gregory in 9x01, then Rick, Maggie, and Anne/Jadis are all written out alive in one fell swoop, and that usually doesn't even happen for one character, let alone three at once. Most who that happened to, like Merle or Morales, came back to die. But of these three, Maggie's a maybe and the other two are a no for now, and Maggie and Rick were of course more important. And then there was the long time jump, during which apparently no one important died. It was time to kill someone. If anything, let's be glad that this show portrays their gay characters as bad-ass survivors, as pretty much all their characters have to be. I don't feel like this one's about gay hate. He wasn't a stereotype.
And if you disagree, fine, but before anyone accuses me of ignorance, I'm an out and proud gay man in a liberal city.
Lastly, one thing I think would've been cute and cool for clarification, as they were out looking for Eugene, have Daryl give one of them a look and a quick sly "Are you two involved now?" A little out of character for him, but not criminally.