MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Is Judith really packing a Colt Python?

Is Judith really packing a Colt Python?

Not saying it's Rick's own Colt, although it could have been found after the bridge blew-up. I didn't get a good look at it, but it sure looked like a CP. No-one else has a problem with a nine year-old girl carrying a weapon that's way too heavy for her?


Its another example of writers not knowing very much about firearms

I like the 'lil Asskicker' character and she will probably be entertaining, but that pistol would snap her tiny wrist show but some parts of it are stupid


She has the Shane genes in her blood so she is more powerful than a normal child.


Lets go with that lol


The show has thrown worse things at us before, it would be a legitimate reason by TWD standards XD


Yes, much worse things....but there's been a ton of little stupid things like this, too, that just exponentially add up over the course of the series to stoke the stupidity.


Yeah, for sure, not exactly the smartest show around.


Hell yeah, Punisher's blood.
