MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Robert kirkman says Carl might not die

Robert kirkman says Carl might not die

In a prior post - I stated three reasons why he might not die. Here's an interesting link:

I say if Carl dies the show goes downhill fast.

Another thought - I think they will leave us hanging and we won't even know in the first episode or possibly even several.


When Glenn went under the dumpster didn't "they" go along with him being dead? That's why I'm not so sure Carl is a goner. But who knows.

I think you may be right about the first episode back- they'll leave us hanging..


Kirkman: "He’s not dead yet. He might not die. You never know."

I think we're in for quite a treat.


If Carl doesn't die, Gimple and his gang of simpleton writers are in for such a world of world of hurt and outrage that it will be Dumpstergate times ten.


You got that right! Unless the kid actor is bull shi**ing us? He was all over social media complaining, his father too. I WILL STOP WATCHING.


One thing I hate about this show is the constant toying with us...leading us on..lying.
They pretended to kill Glenn only to really kill him off at the end of the season...and while I know that was expected I still fail to really see a reason why..They were sort of trying to magically and out of the blue show Maggie to be leader material when they first arrived at Alexandria even with Glenn alive and well.....but they had to give a drastic reason, I guess, for their initial shock and complacency that would finally rise to anger and vengeance. But I'm not sure they should've offed both Abraham and Glenn.. The more main characters they lose the more obvious the inferior writing is..

I still don't see killing Carl as a positive move ...not unless they plan to totally thin the herd and start over with a whole new cast and crew. I think some of the regulars left are getting tired and not so crazy about some of the choices being made and may be ready to start jumping ship themselves.

But I think Kirkman is telling tales. I'm not falling for it.
I wouldn't get mad if Carl survived but the fuse is short out here and most people are ready to throw in the towel least those that haven't already..
I may give it a few episodes but I pretty much think I'm about done myself.


Carl is 100% going to die. Theres been too much behind the scenes drama for it to not happen.


I think he's dead. Hope so. I've never cared for Carl, but it's more because to pull a Dumpstergate again would be very dissatisfying writing.

What I don't get is the people complaining about how he needs to survive because he's the hope for the future. I get that. But also, you do realize the kind of show this is, right? It's supposed to be dark and bleak, and yeah, maybe hopeless. It's not Disney. Even if there are still characters alive at the end, it's hard to imagine this show really having a happy ending.

I'd say it's more about representing what drives Rick. Because the very beginning it was Lori and Carl, and Shane. Now it's Michonne, Judith, and the myriad of people depending on him.


What I don't get is the people complaining about how he needs to survive because he's the hope for the future. I get that. But also, you do realize the kind of show this is, right? It's supposed to be dark and bleak, and yeah, maybe hopeless. It's not Disney. Even if there are still characters alive at the end, it's hard to imagine this show really having a happy ending.

That is, in a nutshell, exactly why this show has so many problems: there are "fans" of it who watch it for characters (that they LOVE!!!!!!), and not for the situation. And because those fans add to TWD's amazingly high ratings numbers, AMC and AMC's stooge--Gimple--will make sure they'll see plenty of their favorite characters.

At the time, I thought George Romero was being a bit harsh when he said it, but now I firmly believe he was right on the money when he said, "the Walking Dead is a soap opera with an occasional zombie."


True, too many character shields. It's a problem pattern that many shows with a lot of death have. Game of Thrones, Lost. The first few seasons are shocking and make you feel like "anyone can die," until there are certain ones you assume are safe, at least until the final season. In the middle, they kill off secondary characters, while more deeply developing others and elevating them to a more central status over time, so you're guessing at those characters. Given that we're getting at least another full season after this one, it would feel reinvigorating.

Agreed about the Romero quote as well. It's only gone further that route. Most of the drama now is centered on conflict between humans. Makes sense, as that's human nature, to clash. Plus, the longer a character survives the walkers, the better adept they are at it. And of course the walkers continue to decay and weaken. I think the show is now at a point where the walker population is probably decreasing more than it's increasing. Because while they can't die, they can probably get to a point of immobility. And, the initial outbreak would've been the only real mass wave of death, since, they're staggered, ie, fresh/strong walkers become fewer and further between.


Yeah, I'm really hoping that they don't pull a Dumpstergate with Carl too. Actually, if I even sniff something that feels like a Dumpstergate, I'll just start giving WD the FtWD treatment - Stop watching, and just youtube the bullet points when the season is over.


Carl dies.


Yes, but not completely accurate...

Carl dies. . .








They should have buried him under a dumpster.
You know that place is like a videogame respawn point. Hahahahahahahahahaa


I'm pretty sure that Rick and Michonne were burying Carl at one point.
Plus the actor who plays him is already due to star in 2 other movies.
Check out IMDB.
